Sunday, 6 December 2009

switch on the lights!

Cockermouth had a mini switch on of Christmas lights in the Market Place on Friday evening and it was very emotional. I know it's kitch but loads of people singing 'You'll never walk alone' especially in the midst of devastation was a real tear jerker. There were stalls, an ice cream van, a Jennings stall and more. It was lovely to see everybody out. Banks ironmongers had lights in their ravaged window so we could see inside.The ancient mahogany counter is away safely being restored but all those little wooden drawers which stretch way up the walls look forlorn. What treasures they hold ; screws, knobs and widgets of non metric dimensions.Things householders in a predominantly Georgian town constantly need and can't get in the big DIY stores. Vanessa had a few things on an old barrow outside - lamps, ropes, candles with the message to come round the back and ask if we need anything. Her message is widespread round the town traders 'If we've got it, we'll sell it!' You can now find relocated businesses in surprising places. I noticed some of Jacy's knickers in a market place window (possible an accountant - something financial!) so she is up and running again. There are some strange alliances forming - makes me laugh!
Now that the bridges are open (to pedestrians only at the moment) we are seeing more people at the gallery and served vast quantities of soup and coffee on Saturday. I always said I'd never get involved with food ............ Mind you I also said I'd never do a blog ...........
I will give you a link to my blog when I've worked it out - need to make it so you don't need to be a google person to access. At the moment it's only got these e mails on it going back to the dreaded 20th November.
The paintings arrived from Menorca late on Friday. The driver was very confused (aren't we all?) because my instructions disagreed with his satnav so he mistrusted both of us. I tried to explain that his satnav hadn't been told about the floods.
Happy days
Angie's manning the soup pan Monday!